Mushroom Bacon Roll

hauswirt recipe


  • Oyster sauce 15g
  • Light soy sauce 15g
  • Cooking wine 15g
  • Honey 10g
  • Bacon 250g
  • Enoki Mushroom  1 bundle

How To Cook?

  • Step 1:

After washing the enoki mushroom, cut off the tail, and cut the bacon into half with a knife.

Hauswirt Recipe
  • Step 2:

Roll up the enoki mushrooms with the bacon and fix them with toothpicks. Place them in a cooking tray lined with tin foil.

Hauswirt Recipe
  • Step 3:

Pour the oyster sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine and honey into a container and mix them into a sauce.

Hauswirt Recipe
  • Step 4:

Brush the mixed sauce over the enoki mushroom bacon rolls, put them in the middle and lower shelves of a preheated oven and bake them at 190°C(370℉) for 10 minutes. Then brush them with the sauce again and bake them for another 10 minutes.

hauswirt recipe


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