Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp


Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp is quick and easy to make and can be a simple weekend dinner. Made in an air fryer, the ingredients for these healthier fried coconut shrimp are very simple and do not require a lot of oil.


  • Medium-gluten flour:1/4 cup
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper :1/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic powder:1/2 teaspoon
  • Egg: 2
  • Milk:1 tablespoon
  • Breadcrumbs:1/4 cup
  • Coconut sticks: 1/2 cup
  • Shrimp: 1/2 pound
Hauswirt Recipe


Hauswirt K5 Air Fryer Oven
2 or 3 cooking bowls


1. Coat the surface of the shrimp with flour and half of the seasoning evenly.
2. Setting temperature to 375°F (190°C), and 10 minutes, begin preheating.
       3. Mix bread crumbs, shredded coconut and remaining seasonings.Hauswirt Recipe
4. Wrap the flour-saturated shrimps with egg, milk and bread crumbs, and then repeatedly wrap with egg, milk and bread crumbs.
Hauswirt Recipe
5. Place the shrimp on the removable wire at 350°F (180°C)for about 8 minutes.

 Hauswirt Recipe

Tips: Sprayed with a proper amount of anti-sticking spray on the surface of removable wire to prevent sticking


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